Grey Zone Measures

Concerned for the health and safety of our most vulnerable community members. Entering into the grey zone, we want to ensure the ability to access safe, barrier free food services for our Neighbours. 
We are committed to ensuring community members receive wrap around services safely. 

Here are some tools to help facilitate the your important work: 

Volunteer/ Staff Screening and Assessment 

Volunteer self-assessment questions

Have staff and volunteers fill out this self-assessment tool before entering the space. They can save the PDF results of their self-assessment and email them to you. 

Alternatively, not everyone has access to a computer, smartphone or the internet. If that is the case with any of your staff or volunteers please have them answer these three questions

(1) do you have any new or worsening symptoms or signs of those listed in the tool;

(2) have you travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days 

(3) have you had close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19. 

The screening questions can be modified (e.g. add questions) to meet the needs of the specific workplace setting. Any staff or volunteer who answers yes to any of the three questions, must be advised that they should not enter the workplace (including any outdoor, or partially outdoor workplaces).

Contact Tracing 

  • Have volunteers and employees download the federal government’s COVID-19 Alert app before they enter the space

Public Health procedures to follow in your space

More information can be found on OPH’s website page for Community Partners and Service Providers. 

  • Physical Distancing 
  • Proper Hand Hygiene 
  • Mask-wearing
  • Taking Breaks & Eating lunch

It should be recommended and encouraged that for as long as possible staff and volunteers take their breaks and lunch outside as they must take their masks off to eat. 

Guidelines for Grey Zone 

On this page you will find guidelines for each zone (Green, Yellow, Orange, Red and Grey) and a tool to check what zone each region is in as well as more information on keeping Ontario safe and open. Here is a PDF version of the COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open —Lockdown Measures document that you can choose to print and have available in your space. 

Air Ventilation

This is especially important during the winter/cold months when more activities must take place inside and open windows are not practical. Request that your landlord hire a company to test the air quality/air flow in the building where your facility is located. Ask to see the report and ensure that any upgrades are completed.

Follow this link for more information website

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have during this time. It is important that we all keep communicating and supporting each other.


Our First Newsletter


Below the Surface: Cooking for a Cause