Volunteer Information

Stats show that those most vulnerable to COVID-19 are the people we service.

Together we can ensure we provide our services safely for our most vulnerable.

We want to ensure the ability to access safe, barrier free food and services for our Neighbours. As we move into Stage 2 of reopening, Parkdale Food Centre and the Ottawa Community Food Partnership will be starting to welcome volunteers back in-person. Here are some of the tools to help facilitate your important work:
  1. Ottawa COVID-19 Updates
  2. Volunteer self-assessment questions
  3. Contact Tracing 
  4. Public Health procedures to follow in your space

Public Health Measures That We Are Following

More information can be found on OPH’s website page for Community Partners and Service Providers. 

  • Physical Distancing

To decrease transmission of COVID-19 in Ottawa, Ottawa Public Health recommends that everyone practice physical distancing. Physical distancing means keeping our distance from one another, at least two metres (six feet) apart, and limiting non-essential activities outside of the home.

  • Proper Hand Hygiene

Disposable gloves are not an appropriate form of PPE. According to OPH and various health experts, gloves are only appropriate if used to perform a specific one-time task and then disposed of. Additionally, putting hand sanitizer on top of gloves is not recommended. This does not sanitize the gloves or ensure that they are clean. The best way to ensure proper hand hygiene is by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or even better, washing your hands with soap and water.

  • Mask-wearing

Effective October 3rd, 2020, the use of face masks is mandatory in all public indoor settings across Ontario, including workplaces that are not open to the public.

As evidence has now widely shown, mask-wearing is one of the best ways to reduce the community spread of the virus. To be effective, masks must be worn properly.

Staff and volunteers are encouraged to watch this instructive video before entering the space.

  • Taking Breaks & Eating lunch

It is recommended and encouraged that for as long as possible staff and volunteers take their breaks and lunch outside, as they must take their masks off to eat.